
Frequently Asked Questions

Park speed limit is 5MPH Drive S-L-O-W-L-Y

No Carpets on the grass

Check in/out time is 2pm for sites check out is noon for rentals

Quiet time is from 10pm to 8am

Max of 1 camping unit and 2 vehicles per site extras can park in overflow area up by office

State law requires kids 12 and under wear a helmet while bike riding

Young children must be accompanied by a adult in rest room, pond, creek and pool areas

No bike riding after dark

No bike riding in pavilion or game room

No Drugs or Fireworks including sparklers

No washing of vehicles or RV’s

No charging of electric cars at site $25 will be charged to site if caught plugged in (RV poles not designed for it) use Level 2 charger on Bath house wall pay office for kwh used, Push notification with amount used is automatically sent to us

Place all campground bagged trash in dumpster

Pet Policy

All pets must be on a leash at all times

All pets must be cleaned up after

Pets are not to be left outside unattended

No excessive barking

No aggressive pets allowed

Do not tie dogs to trees it can kill the tree

Pool Rules

No Running No Diving No Pushing

No Glass in fenced pool area

No food or drinks in pool

Beach Balls only

Follow all other rules posted in pool area

No Pets in fenced pool area

Kids under 14 must have a adult with them

Kids not potty trained must wear swim diapers

Visitor Policy

You are responsible for your visitors

All visitors must register at office and pay appropriate fee $4 for day $6 for the night

Day visitors must leave park by 11PM


No moving of firepits

Do not throw trash in firepit

No burning of wood with nails in it

No cutting of any trees

Reservations and Cancellation policy

All reservations require a 1 night deposit. Holidays & Halloween weekend to be paid in full at time of reservation

3 night minimum on holiday weekends

2 night minimum for rental camper and cabin

2 week notice required to receive a refund minus a $25 cancellation fee

Private property we reserve the right to refuse admission and to evict anyone

Camping or Visiting is at your own risk and we will not be held responsible for accidents

Your family and visitors must follow these and all posted rules failure to do so could result in being asked to leave